Thursday, December 30, 2004

Eugene Volokh of the Volokh Conspiracy has a humorous little essay in the Texas Review of Law & Politics, Vol. 8, on trademarks which don't make a lot of sense. Would you really feel better with Amelia Earhart luggage? Click here: Actually, don't clik there, copy and paste, as I still haven't bothered to find out how to write the code, and copying and pasting a link seems not to work. Time for to make things easier, but I won't hold my breath, and you shouldn't either as you're likely to get tired and blow a gasket, or at least your eardrums and we can't have that on New Years Eve eve, can we lest we overburden the poor long suffering emergency rooms with needlessly self-inflicted aural injuries. Hmm...try clikking here as mayhap I have figured one way. I'll feel downright brilliant or at least not to be lightly laughed out of kindergarten computer time if this works:


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