Monday, January 31, 2005

I wonder if those opposed to voluntary searches are also opposed to...

...governent interfering with the right to keep and bear arms.

As I recall, the ACLU claims there is no such right. I guess that answers that.

One aspect of the pro-gun control, pro-gun ban crowd which I not understand: Lots of them seem (by my unscientific observation) to believe that the government is a cabal of neo-fascists, that the current Republican president =Hitler, and that we are held in servitude which will only grow worse. So, why do they think that citizens shouldn't be allowed to have guns? Why do they think that as a matter of good social policy only the fascists should be armed? The two beliefs together don't make any sense.

If they believe we are in a fascist authoritarian state, one which clearly is the militarily most powerful in the world, don't Americans then have a peculiar responsibility to maintain the means with which to control that government? I do not understand how such people reconcile the two beliefs. Any thoughts?


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