Sunday, January 23, 2005

Sex based differences

Olivia Judson, an evolutionary biologist at Imperial College in London, has also been inspired by the Larry Summers affair to say some things about sex-based differences.I infer she is somewhat critical of Summers' critics.
The interesting questions are, is there an average intrinsic difference? And how extensive is the variation? I would love to know if the averages are the same but the underlying variation is different - with members of one sex tending to be either superb or dreadful at particular sorts of thinking while members of the other are pretty good but rarely exceptional
The life of a male green spoon worm might appeal to some fellers:
He spends his whole life in her reproductive tract, fertilizing eggs...
Well, OK, maybe his method of fertilizing ("by regurgitating sperm through his mouth")wouldn't appeal so much to the average hetero-type male, but overall...


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