Monday, February 28, 2005

The Dutch Problem

Some Dutch are coming to think they have a major problem on their hands. The problem isn't Muslims, for some of the most prominent critics are Muslim. The problem is unassimilated Islamists who are taking advantage of Dutch tolerance and welfare payments and who appear to be increasingly violent. How far should tolerance go?
(Holland) can still seem a parody of itself — a magistrate ruled recently that an armed robber was entitled to a tax rebate on the cost of his gun as a tool of his trade..."We have been tolerant to the nontolerant, and we got intolerance back," Wilders says.
This is far too long to quote more from- 6 pages in the London Times- but well worth reading by anyone interested in seeing what is going on in Europe. One conclusion: "The Dutch may be drawing the wrong conclusions, but they are surely right to be asking the questions."


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