Monday, April 04, 2005

Stealing classified documents...

...from the National Archives and then cutting them up, and lying about it, is good for a chuckle if you are a Democrat:
"For all those who know and love him, it's easy to see how this would happen," one former White House colleague told The Washington Post at the time.

As for Bill Clinton himself, he couldn't stop chuckling over the whole thing.

"That's Sandy for you," he said at a Denver book signing last summer. "We were all laughing about it on the way over here."
That's Bill for you.

Some people are seriously suggesting that former President Bill take over Kofi Annan's job at the UN. I guess one upside for Bill would be all those UN "Peacekeepers" who run illicit sex rings. I haven't figured out yet what the upside would be for either the US or the rest of the world.


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