Monday, July 18, 2005

Suicide Bombers and motivations

Caryle Murphy reports in the Washington Post that there is evidence that the majority of bombers are just politically averse to American occupation of Muslim countries.

Murphy interviewed researcher Robert A. Pape, who says:
"Suicide terrorism is not so much committed by religious fanatics looking for a quick trip to paradise as it is by a variety of secular and religious individuals who fear that their societies will be unalterably transformed by a religiously motivated occupier."
Hmmm...does this mean that the Islamic countries should expect Dutch, French, and British suicide bombers?

In any case, it is a counterpoint to Nasra Hassan's article on the religiously motivated bombers. Bombers, however, are not the leaders. It would be interesting to have a better handle on their motivations, tho my impression is that the religious and secular motivations are deeply intertwined: they abhor Westerners in Muslim countries and Westernisation in general, hated having American troops in Saudi Arabia, and want to kick us all out , but only as a step in the process of establishing a world-wide Islamist state.


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