Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Visitor 2,602 is most highly...


She or he, in Amman, Jordan, came to good ol' Blogospherical Ruminations thru a Google search for "lebanese hotties" which listed the site at number 2 after InstaPundit.

I have fond memories of Jordan, from back around 1977, when I hitchhiked around parts of the Middle East.

Amman, a desert city in a mountain valley, is a dry, dusty and lovely place full of hospitable people. The entire country is lovely, with pale blue skies and khaki deserts, and some of the greatest scuba diving in the world along the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba.

I camped for several days in the valley of Petra, with, as John William Burgon said of it in 1845:
The hues of youth upon a brow of woe
Which men called old two thousand years ago!
Match me such marvel, save in Eastern clime,
A rose-red city half as old as Time.
I'd like to go back some day, and sleep on some of the same rocks by the same creeks. See again Petra, and Numeira Gorge, which shames even the gorge into Petra for its depth, its colors, and its closeness, and swim once again beneath the Gulf of Aqaba, coral heads filled with lion fish and lobsters, the shallows with black-needled urchins and fighting stone fish.


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