Wednesday, May 09, 2012

The Life of Julia

If you are one of those wondering just what the "The Life of Julia" controversy is about, clik here.

It's an Obama campaign concoction which makes it pretty clear that America could not possibly have made itself the richest country on earth. Why? Because we didn't have an entire lifetime of government programs to keep us healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Therefor, everything you have ever learned about American prosperity must be false.

As "The Life of Julia" says at age 27: "Thanks to Obamacare, her health insurance is required to cover birth control" even though the people funding the insurance may be Catholic or of some other religion opposed to birth control. How about abortion, O? That will be funded as well, won't it?

So much for the First Amendment, which will simply be redefined to mean the government can do anything it wants to any religion it wants.

A nice, tasty cup of Treason, anyone?

Paid for by the taxpayers, of course.

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Anonymous Dan said...

Our prosperity didn't come from welfare. Our prosperity came from the government taking land away from the Indians and giving it out to settlers.

Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 9:57:00 AM HST  

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