Friday, November 21, 2014

Fast & Furious: Email Shows DOJ Shut Down CBS Investigation By Sharyl Attkisson

DOJ called CBS to shut down an embarrassing news reporter's investigation, and CBS complied. re: Fast & Furious: ATF sending guns to the Sinaloa Drug Cartel. It does look like DOJ said in writing they were going to try to get CBS to shut down Sharyl Attkisson's investigation. That is consistent with what Attkisson said in her book, now the emails have surfaced in a DOJ FOIA response.
The emails are a pain to find in over 42,000 pages, but if you bother, start looking at around 518.
One of the documents provides smoking gun proof that the Obama White House and the Eric Holder Justice Department colluded to get CBS News to block reporter Sharyl Attkisson. Attkisson was one of the few mainstream media reporters who paid any attention to the deadly gun-running scandal.

In an email dated October 4, 2011, Attorney General Holder’s top press aide, Tracy Schmaler, called Attkisson “out of control.” Schmaler told White House Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz that he intended to call CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer to get the network to stop Attkisson.

Schultz replied, “Good. Her piece was really bad for the AG.”
Nothing will come of this, of course: Reporting it would be embarrassing to both CBS and the Obama Administration, so we don't need to know about it. One more brick has been laid in the building called The American Police State.

More here.

UPDATE: PowerLine has more here:
It is obvious that the Department of Justice has withheld other emails that are relevant to the above exchange. Schmaler’s reference to “Sharryl” is out of the blue. There must have been prior references to her, but they do not show up in a search of the documents that have been produced. That means that they have been either redacted or withheld. Still, what we have is bad enough: the Obama administration targeted the only reporter who was following up on Fast and Furious, and went to her editor and to elder statesman Bob Schieffer to pull her off the case–to get her, as they said, under “control.”

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