Multiracial Whiteness at the Washington Post
So lemme see if I get this straight: Multiracial Whiteness knows no racial boundaries. Whiteness is open to all. Whiteness isn’t racial.
“Rooted in America’s ugly history of white supremacy, indigenous dispossession and anti-blackness, multiracial whiteness is an ideology invested in the unequal distribution of land, wealth, power and privilege — “
In other words, individualist, not collectivist, not Marxist, pro-capitalism. What fiends.
“a form of hierarchy in which the standing of one section of the population is premised on the debasement of others.”
Yep: that’s Marxist. No question. I spent too much time living with German Marxists in West Berlin to miss that. Capitalism is for the purpose of debasing others, unlike Marxism of course, which liberates, uplifts, and revels in...uh...gulags for the Politically Incorrect.
Oh, wait: “Multiracial whiteness reflects an understanding of whiteness as a political color and not simply a racial identity —“
So why call it “whiteness”? Oh...maybe because concepts of individualism and capitalism were developed in Europe, which at the time was white? Therefore treating people as individuals instead of members of an irrelevant collective is racist. Uh huh.
Maybe just because the author is a racist?
“ a discriminatory worldview in which feelings of freedom and belonging are produced through the persecution and dehumanization of others.”
Treating people as individuals dehumanizes them, treating them as interchangeable members of a group humanizes them, like being mad at a particular cop in St. Louis so you shoot five cops in Dallas humanizes them because cops are interchangeable members of the Cop Collective. Check. Got it.
“Multiracial whiteness promises Latino Trump supporters freedom from the politics of diversity and recognition.”
Well, the author did get that right. ‘Multiracial whiteness’ is an unneeded, stupid racist term for ‘individualism’, but OK, I do have low expectations for the thinking processes of collectivists. Really low. Anyone who can look at the 20th and 21st centuries’ history of real world collectivism and real world individualism and conclude that collectivism produced better results for the people at the bottom of the population has meaningful cognitive disabilities. Fully qualified to draw a paycheck at any university or WaPo.
“For voters who see the very act of acknowledging one’s racial identity as itself racist, the politics of multiracial whiteness reinforces their desired approach to colorblind individualism.”
Yeah, individualism and capitalism do that, little racist honeybunny. Colorblind individualism does that. Colorblind individualism is a good thing because treating people as individuals is a good thing. By the way: When are you going to tear down the monument of Martin Luther King?
“In the politics of multiracial whiteness, anyone can join the MAGA movement“
Do tell: race isn’t very important to individualists. Wow: what a racist concept. I guess you better work to stamp THAT out of existence.
Oh: yeah: you are.
“and engage in the wild freedom of unbridled rage and conspiracy theories.”
Conspiracy theories like the Democrats made unconstitutional changes in voting laws in the days before the election, in the swing states? And those changes made fraud easier?
“Multiracial whiteness offers citizens of every background the freedom to call Muslims terrorists,...”
Or to call some terrorists “Muslim” just because that is what they call themselves and tell us in as many words that they base their violence on their interpretation of Islam.
“...demand that undocumented immigrants be rounded up and deported,...” for no better reason that that’s the law.
“...deride BLM as a movement of thugs and criminals,”
Yep, it is. Marxist, too. They say so.
“...and accuse Democrats of being blood-drinking pedophiles.”
Your goblet overflows. It isn’t the Republicans who revere child rapers like Roman Polanski. Read his 13 year old victim’s affidavit, taken a couple days after he drugged her and raped her vaginally and anally. Google it: it isn’t hard to find. Like Democrats who defend him.
This is your Washington Post. What a filthy company.
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