Wednesday, February 09, 2005

No wonder they're endangered

Zoo tempts gay penguins to go straight

A German zoo has imported four female penguins from Sweden in an effort to tempt its gay penguins to go straight...

The four Swedish females were dispatched to the Bremerhaven Zoo in Bremen after it was found that three of the zoo's five penguin pairs were homosexual.

Keepers at the zoo ordered DNA tests to be carried out on the penguins after they had been mating for years without producing any chicks.

It was only then they realised that six of the birds were living in homosexual partnerships.
Surely someone will protest this insensitive heterosexualist attempt to break up stable and presumably content couples.

It does get ever harder tho to claim that heterosexuality is "un-natural." But what is this stereotyping of Swedish females as sexual temptresses?


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