Who knew? Howard Dean: Pro-gun
He is the former governor of Vermont, though, once the only state to allow anyone qualified to own a gun to carry one concealed, without needing a pemit. Apparently Vermonters think the 2nd Amendment means what it says. Even some of the screamers.
The Hill, which covers Congressional news, has an article by Bob Cusack and Elizabeth Fulk:
The Hill, which covers Congressional news, has an article by Bob Cusack and Elizabeth Fulk:
The expected election of former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean as chairman of the Democratic National Committee this month will strike a crippling blow to the gun-control movement, lobbyists and political observers say.Howard Dean: well to the right of the Democratic Party mainstream activists. Others have caveats tho.
Like Dean, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is a strong supporter of gun rights.... National Rifle Association (NRA) Executive Director Chris Cox said Dean, whom the NRA endorsed when he was running for governor, was taking over a party that had suffered electorally for its embrace of gun control.
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