Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Stealing an art form

Sorry, guys, there are some things which you don't get to do with impunity. These Seattlites think that it is ok to steal other peoples' property if they eventually give it back, at an art gallery: Stealing as performance art.
Richter says, "I wouldn't presume to pass judgment on them. ... There's a part of me that does respect it as an art project and as commentary" on the value and meaning of art. On the other hand, he says, he was "torn, because in at least two cases... [the artists or galleries] were really busted up about it." In any case, he adds, "I trusted that they would return the work. And then, honestly, I washed my hands of it."
Except, of course, that he notified neither the victimized galleries, the artists, or the cops. His hands are still dirty.

And he "wouldn't presume to pass judgement on them"? I'll bet he passes judgement on George Bush every day. These are petty thieves- well, actually, self-admitted felons- and claiming their thefts are art doesn't change that.

I think they should participate involuntarily in trials, sentencing, and jail terms. Strictly as performance art, mind you.


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