Wednesday, March 02, 2005

A loss for the good guys.

Eugene Volokh reports on the Australian Racial and Religious Tolerance Act.Click here: The Volokh Conspiracy -

Apparently the Australian court held recently that one cannot use freedom of speech "as a cover to offend, insult, humiliate..."

Thank you to the Founders who provided us with a 1st Amendment. It ought to appall ppl to realize that it is illegal in many formerly decent places to offend, insult, or humiliate. Saddam loved such laws. Kim Jong Il loves them. There are many dictatorships which make it illegal to offend, insult, or humiliate the Dictator and his government. The scary part is that such laws are no longer confined to the dictators. One of the British tabloids got in trouble- to the tune of 30,000 Euros or so, if I recall correctly- for putting a cartoon of Jacques Chirac's head attached to a worm body on the cover.

Imagine such a law here and what it would do to critics of Dubya. Granted, the Australian law penalizes speech based on ppl's religion, but I do seem to recall some criticism of Dubya and cohort based on their religious beliefs.


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