Sunday, May 22, 2005

Recipe: Lutefisk of the Rebellion

For all you who have been following the Lutefisk Rebellion with baited breath but wondering just what da heck lutefisk is, here's a recipe for the Holy Lutefisk allegedly so desecrated by American soldiers, I mean military:
Yield: 2 servings

2 1/2 lb Lutfisk (Dried imported cod)
1 c Slaked lime
2 qt Oak or maple ashes

...Saw fish into 3 parts, clean thoroughly and place in a wooden bowl or

Add water to cover and set in a cool place for 5 to 6 days.
Change water each day. Remove fish and thoroughly clean wooden bowl.

Make a solution of water, lime and ashes and allow to stand
overnight. Drain off clear liquid and pour over soaked fish, set in a
cool place for 7 days.

When fish is soft, remove from solution, scrub
bowl well and soak fish for several days in cold clear water.

Cook in boiling salted water at simmering temperature for about 20
minutes. Drain well and serve.
Don't forget to slather it with mustard of one sort or another, and you'll see why da Lutherans were so upset.

If you negligently failed to click on the link in the Lutefisk story and hence missed the important background article , here is another link. It is critically important to understanding the violence-torn Midwest.

I got this from the: Click here: RecipeSource


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