Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tenting in the Jungle Primeval

As the tropic sun gently rose over the eastern hills and the shamas called to their mates, I rose cautiously from my pallet, crept silently to the fire and made a pot of coffee for myself.

Later, as the sun slowly passed it's zenith I set up our new abode under a jungle giant, surrounded by a small herd of pachydermi ceramicus aieaensis and watched silently from afar by a pair of felis domesticus.

As the soft-scented breeze wafted through the jungle, threatening to snap the frame and tear the tie down cords from their gracile mounts, I swiftly captured the scene in all it's primitive glory, then, lest darkness fall well after that of our new Home, I disassembled the shelter, rolled it up, and stored it with thoughts of replacing the cords, the stakes, and simulating a floor with a big blue tarp.

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