Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Obama: Centrist. Perry: Hitler

Obama: Centrist. Perry: Hitler. That seems to be the analysis on the Left. Robert Kuttner, co-editor of The American Prospect, speculates in the Huffington Post about the US if Obama loses the 2012 election:
We can imagine intensified assaults on Social Security and Medicare, more moves to turn America into a theocracy, and the courts will be lost for a generation. More deregulation and privatization, too....

So, going into 2016, the Republicans will own an economy in protracted depression. And as opposition party, progressive Democrats will be full-throated, no longer in the awkward position of being upstaged by their centrist president.

Assuming the Republicans don't find a way to cancel the 2016 election, a Democrat would have a good shot at winning. And a progressive Democrat (if one can be found) would have a good chance at being nominated.

Let me be clear here. I am not saying that we'd be better off if Obama lost in 2012. The risks of that course are simply too great. In the 1930s, German leftists adopted the slogan, "After Hitler, Us." It didn't work out so well.
I wonder what Hubert Humphrey would say.

"more moves to turn America into a theocracy"? "Assuming the Republicans don't find a way to cancel the 2016 election"? What world does this guy live on? Is the left just plain unhinged?

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