Monday, February 03, 2014

Common Core Proponent: "the children belong to all of us"

Proponents of Common Core standards in education are at least open in their belief about our subservient nature:
Paul Reville, the former secretary of education for Massachusetts and a Common Core supporter, said...“An overwhelming majority of teachers are saying this is something...that makes sense.”

Reville continued, “Again, the argument about where it came from I think privileges certain sort of fringe voices about federalism and states’ rights.
"Privileges" fringe types who think the federal government ought to submit to the contract by which the states created and delegated powers to the federal government? Privileges fringe types who have the anti-social belief that they ought to directly control the schools for which their taxes pay, without having to persuade benevolent and all-wise bureaucrats in Washington to allow them to run schools as they believe proper for the collective's children? Those fringe types?
“Why should some towns and cities and states have no standards or low standards and others have extremely high standards when the children belong to all of us and would move [to different states in their educational lives]?”
How about because children are not the property of the collective, Benito? How about because when the federal government violates the constitution in order to impose federal standards, no matter how bad those standards are, no matter how suffocating the paperwork is, no matter how much money the system takes away from educating children and shoves into the pockets of test companies' pockets, there will be no escape? And how about because that is exactly what the collectivists are touting as a benefit: There will be no escaping their system, no matter where the parents take the collective's children? How about because fascism is anti-American? How about because there is exactly nothing in that radical fringe document called the US Constitution aka your favorite toilet paper, which empowers you to fund education or influence education in any way whatsoever?
But critics such as Lindsey Burke, a Will Skillman Fellow in Education Policy at The Heritage Foundation who has studied the standards, said the initiative is about federal funding and centralizing education rules.
That is indisputable: The proponents claim these as features.
“But most concerning, Common Core removes the ability of parents and teachers to direct academic content and will have a homogenizing effect on the educational choices available to families,” Burke said.
The collective's children shall be properly indoctrinated, as the Collective's rulers decree. 'There will be no escape from the Collective Wisdom of the State', quoth Benito.
But Jennifer Davis, co-founder and president of the National Center on Time and Learning who moderated the panel at CAP, told that teachers are “truly embracing” Common Core.

“On the teacher side, I mean, all of the work were doing all over the country we’re finding teachers truly embracing and knowing that Common Core is important for their children and for their future in their schools,” Davis said, adding at one point, “It takes a village” to get this kind of education reform accomplished.
"this kind of education reform": yes, indeed, it does need a collective to get this kind of 'reform' accomplished. And once again, fascists like Benito Mussolini would have approved whole heartedly. Neither children nor their parents shall be allowed the anti-social option. No one shall escape the All Seeing Wisdom of the Village-State.

No one, because we all belong to Village-State.

All of us.

Submission is Freedom.

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