Thursday, April 21, 2005

Ducks have regional accents?

At least British ones do.
"Cockney" ducks from London make a rougher sound, not unlike their human counterparts, so their fellow quackers can hear them above the city's hubbub.

But their Cornish cousins communicate with a softer, more relaxed sound, the team from Middlesex University found.
So, is this news to duck hunters, or only to scientifics? I have my suspicions.

The BBC has the whole story.

I wonder how big the grant was...

Thanks to Reg via JBR for the lead.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The article on the ducks was very entertaining. Interesting research project. I'm still wishing someone would study whether or not different languages force the voice into a different register. I started wondering this over 40 years ago after having heard my husband's voice change totally when speaking Spanish (deep), English and French (higher). Spanish women tend to have deeper voices than we English speakers but I don't know if that's due to heredity or because the spoken language demands a deeper voice....

Thursday, April 21, 2005 at 8:45:00 AM HST  

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