Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Romney's "Culture Counts" Speech

HuffPo actually has a decent article about the so-called "racist" comments Mitt Romney made in Israel. I'm not sure why some idiots consider them wrong, much less racist (since when is Palestinian a race?), but he was correct: culture counts.

Compare the Palestinian refugees and their treatment by their host governments with the Cuban refugees and the treatment afforded them by the US.

In three generations the Cubans are completely Americanized, hard working, productive contributors to society. In four generations the Palestinians have given the world the Munich Massacre and the bomb belt.

Why the difference: Our government, after the Bay of Pigs idiocy, worked at assimilation, allowing refugees to become Amercian citizens and their children born here to be Americans. We allow them to pursue grievances against Cuba in court, but no longer allow them to use the US for staging attacks on Cuba.

The Arab governments, on the other hand, delight in fomenting hatred against the Israelis to distract their subjects from their own governments' oppression. Unlike America, which has welcomed Cuban refugees as full citizens, able to work and to own their own property.

So one country has productive citizens of Cuban descent, while the others have destructive, genocidal descendents of refugees who are themselves considered refugees.

Culture counts, and it is long past time we realize that. Our culture is better at assimilating diverse groups and turning them into productive citizens. Arab culture is better at fomenting multi-generational genocidal hatred. One culture chooses to let past injustices stay in the past, while the others does everything in it's considerable power to keep them festering.

UPDATE: For a sniggering take on Romney's statements, see the New Yorker, formerly a serious magazine, which has John Cassidy's column. He suggests that the lack of economic development is a result of
a lack of capital, the economic blockade of the Gaza Strip, or the presence in the West Bank of Israeli settlers and military forces.
For some reason Mr. Cassidy fails to mention just why the Palestinians suffer a lack of capital, an economic blockade, or military occupation. Could it have something to do with a culture of bomb belts, exploding donkeys, shooting rockets indiscriminately, car bombs, making sale of land to a Jew a capital crime, and the sworn goal of exterminating the Jews?

Far better to be an American of Cuban descent than a fourth generation Palestinian refugee. American culture is better than Arab culture at getting on with life. Romney has nothing to apologize for.

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