Saturday, September 15, 2012

Of Grout Importance

Cousin Joan's
Pocatello Grout Remedy
Mule Cleaner

“Get some powdered laundry soap-maybe about 2 cups or 3, put into a bucket and add some hot water, maybe about half full. Mix together really good. Get a real stiff floor brush and dip into the bucket and get it back out and start scrubbing.“ Joan Sayer

Contains no White Vinegar, Baking Soda, Gin, Opium, or Marmot Scent Glands. Not approved for human consumption by the State of California. Even they aren't that dumb, but just the same, don't give them any ideas. They might decide to smoke it.

Ingestion guaranteed to cause a slow and painful death so don't drink it or use as an oral dentifrice on anything which still gives signs of life like bad breath or biting. Especially useful for shower floors, garbage cans, and the clothes of small boys. Remove small boy before laundering. They bite.

“Made our grout so white we let the Pastor use the bathroom with pride.” Mrs. Samuel C, Hannibal, MO
“The finest mule and floor cleaner my servants have ever used. There is nothing better for removing blood from plaza cobblestones. Non-existing blood. There were no massacres. None. Just ask the Grand Vizier.” Sultan Abdul H., Constantinople
“Makes my grout white as the driven snow, and we have a lot of that here, so I think I know what I'm talking about.” Mrs. S. C., North Pole
“Do not ever use on a gilded Buddha! Oh, dear.” Dalai L, Llasa, Tibet
“It's grout stuff! Our wonderful boys, Frank and Joe, use it on their whitewall tires. Nancy D. does too!” Mrs. Fenton H., Bayport
“Nothing better for degreasing goat skins!” Mr. Robinson C., An Island off the Orinoco River

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