Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Let's Celebrate Diversity... shooting back.
Associated Press Writer


Radical Islamic militia fighters in Somalia shot and killed two people who were watching a banned World Cup soccer broadcast, a radio station reported Wednesday.

The hard-line Muslim fighters, who have banned watching television, opened fire after a crowd of teenagers defied their orders to leave a hall where a businessman was showing Tuesday's Germany-Italy match on satellite television, according to Shabelle Radio, an independent local station. It said the businessman and a teenage girl were killed.
It takes a village of Islamic fascists to raze a child.
Hard-line Muslim fighters, who wrested control of the Somali capital from warlords in June, have forbidden people from watching television or movies in line with their strict interpretation of Islam.
Doesn't the Supreme Islamic Courts Council understand that violence only perpetuates the cycle of violence?

And Somalia clearly needs a system of gun registration and background checks. Right after TV-wielding Somali businessmen get theirs.

I suggest Sarah Brady head right over there and get things started.