White and Black, Jews, Nazis, and Enemies
There was a good, if somewhat rambling columnabout the difference between US and British views on race and Jews by Robert Koerner at the Foundation for Economic Freedom site, to which I replied. It got marked by someone as spam, perhaps by accident or perhaps to hide it, but I asked it be revealed. we’ll see. In any case, my comment:
That was a thought provoking column. Thank you.
“And no, I’m not your enemy, whatever you tell me.” I’m not sure that I agree with that.
At one level it makes sense, in that German Jews/Jewish Germans weren’t enemies of Germany: they were Germans. Same with Austrians, Poles, Dutch, French Jews. However, the Nazis didn’t allow them to be other than enemies, and it didn’t matter as a practical issue if the Jews didn’t consider themselves enemies of the the Nazis.
I was in a voluntary organization many years ago in which two rival factions were running things. The arguments between them were largely over ideological purity vs political practicality. The practical faction considered the pure faction impractical and personally abusive, both of which had some truth to them. The pure people considered the practical people evil, and were quite outspoken about that.
I wanted to stay on the sidelines on that debate, but the pure people would not allow that. One was either on their side or an enemy. Take your pick, but those were the only options. No Sidelines Option was available. Ally or enemy. Take your pick.
While I eventually decided to simply leave the organization, I did decide that while people may not want to be other’s enemy, the decision is not up to them: it is up to those who demand all be either allies or enemies.
So, it seems to me that if BLM, the DNC, the RNC, or any other group declares me to be an enemy, then I am in fact their enemy. It doesn’t matter that I don’t want to be their enemy: it isn’t my choice. It’s theirs.
European Jews of all nationalities WERE enemies of the Nazis, not because they wanted to be but because the Nazis designated them as such. It wasn’t in the Jews’ power to not be enemies. It simply wasn’t up to them. It was up to the Nazis.
It also seems to me that one of the biggest failures of European Jews was the majority’s failure to understand that, internalize it, and act on that sad realization, either by fleeing or taking up arms and fighting their genocidal enemies.
There may not be much we can do to lessen the power or growth of the virulent racists on the left. Apologizing, self-flagellation, and submitting will be no more effective than it was for European Jews.
We can keep an eye on them, and we can in most states consider arming ourselves against overt violence. I think we should do so, because the time to prepare against assault is not after the assault has taken place but before. Steve Scalise was prepared with armed guards, and that preparation saved not only his own life, but those of the other Republicans at that soft ball practice.
Think of the so-called protests in Portland a few weeks ago, in which leftists blocked traffic, re-directed vehicles, and beat on vehicles. Suppose it had gone a bit further, and people were dragged from their cars and beaten. Would the time to prepare be the next day? Ask Reginald Denny after he was dragged from his truck and a cement block dropped repeatedly on his head. Minding his own business, until he was surrounded by people who designated him their enemy.
I don’t know how violent these leftists will get, nor how many allies they will attract, but it does seem important to keep an eye on them, and to prepare for worse violence than they are now committing, because at some point it may be too late to prepare. We won’t have the option of not being their enemy. It will be their decision, and by their own statements they have already made it.
That was a thought provoking column. Thank you.
“And no, I’m not your enemy, whatever you tell me.” I’m not sure that I agree with that.
At one level it makes sense, in that German Jews/Jewish Germans weren’t enemies of Germany: they were Germans. Same with Austrians, Poles, Dutch, French Jews. However, the Nazis didn’t allow them to be other than enemies, and it didn’t matter as a practical issue if the Jews didn’t consider themselves enemies of the the Nazis.
I was in a voluntary organization many years ago in which two rival factions were running things. The arguments between them were largely over ideological purity vs political practicality. The practical faction considered the pure faction impractical and personally abusive, both of which had some truth to them. The pure people considered the practical people evil, and were quite outspoken about that.
I wanted to stay on the sidelines on that debate, but the pure people would not allow that. One was either on their side or an enemy. Take your pick, but those were the only options. No Sidelines Option was available. Ally or enemy. Take your pick.
While I eventually decided to simply leave the organization, I did decide that while people may not want to be other’s enemy, the decision is not up to them: it is up to those who demand all be either allies or enemies.
So, it seems to me that if BLM, the DNC, the RNC, or any other group declares me to be an enemy, then I am in fact their enemy. It doesn’t matter that I don’t want to be their enemy: it isn’t my choice. It’s theirs.
European Jews of all nationalities WERE enemies of the Nazis, not because they wanted to be but because the Nazis designated them as such. It wasn’t in the Jews’ power to not be enemies. It simply wasn’t up to them. It was up to the Nazis.
It also seems to me that one of the biggest failures of European Jews was the majority’s failure to understand that, internalize it, and act on that sad realization, either by fleeing or taking up arms and fighting their genocidal enemies.
There may not be much we can do to lessen the power or growth of the virulent racists on the left. Apologizing, self-flagellation, and submitting will be no more effective than it was for European Jews.
We can keep an eye on them, and we can in most states consider arming ourselves against overt violence. I think we should do so, because the time to prepare against assault is not after the assault has taken place but before. Steve Scalise was prepared with armed guards, and that preparation saved not only his own life, but those of the other Republicans at that soft ball practice.
Think of the so-called protests in Portland a few weeks ago, in which leftists blocked traffic, re-directed vehicles, and beat on vehicles. Suppose it had gone a bit further, and people were dragged from their cars and beaten. Would the time to prepare be the next day? Ask Reginald Denny after he was dragged from his truck and a cement block dropped repeatedly on his head. Minding his own business, until he was surrounded by people who designated him their enemy.
I don’t know how violent these leftists will get, nor how many allies they will attract, but it does seem important to keep an eye on them, and to prepare for worse violence than they are now committing, because at some point it may be too late to prepare. We won’t have the option of not being their enemy. It will be their decision, and by their own statements they have already made it.
Labels: disaster prep, England, fascists, Jews, self-defense, socialists