Friday, September 13, 2013

NRA and Plantation Escapees

Possibly the Dems should acknowledge that there are Persons of Color who have fled the plantation.

I guess they already do, but they are treated like Persons of Color who fled the plantation in 1850.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Police Are Our Friends

Or.....maybe not. At least sometimes.

Some of them appear now and then to be armed, violent criminals who have infiltrated and taken over police departments.

Guess what? Absent video like the second one in the linked post, judges will believe them every time. Don't miss the gratuitous kick to the small poodle. Or, of course, what appears to me to be a multi-hundred pound criminal repeatedly kicking a guy who was restrained by two accomplices. Kicking him just for the pure, soul satisfying fun of kicking a helpless guy, knowing there would be no repercussions.

And that may be exactly why some chiefs are opposed to armed citizens: WAY too dangerous for the criminals who have successfully infiltrated and taken over police departments, turning them into organized criminal organizations. Imagine what a responsible neighbor with an AR-15 and a few of the satanic 20 and 30 round magazines could have done to these criminals.

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Help Kick Start World War III

Why? Because Obama!

Thanks to InstaPundit for the lead.

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Sunday, September 08, 2013

When Oregon Banned Parochial and Private Schools has this to say on the issue:
On November 7, 1922, the voters of Oregon passed an initiative amending Oregon Law Section 5259, the Compulsory Education Act. The citizens' initiative was primarily aimed at eliminating parochial schools, including Catholic schools.
It also banned private schools.

Well, that's Progressives for you.

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