Hello Kitty AR-15
Labels: gun control, guns, politics
Opinions on Politics, Art Stuff, Outrages current & otherwise, an occasional photograph, and of course Cool Space Pics of the Day. Formerly titled "Wudndux"
In point of fact, the Constitution tacitly condones the private ownership of warships, in Article I, Section 8, where Congress is given authority to grant letters of marque and reprisal, which means deputizing private warships into government service.It seems to me that while not explicitly protecting privately owned warships as a right, it is a reasonable conclusion that it does. It certainly assumes that there will be privately owned warships.
You could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back."Predictably enough, commenters are derisive: "Sheriff Clarke is a psycho...Moronic... insecure...irresponsible ...totally reprehensible and irresponsible...pile of cow dung...."
Clarke urges listeners to take a firearm safety course and handle a firearm "so you can defend yourself until we get there."
"You have a duty to protect yourself and your family.
Labels: gun control, guns, self-defense
Labels: CDE, fascists, gun control, politics
Daniel Webster, director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, will report data from a 2004 survey of inmates in state prisons in a chapter in a book titled “Reducing Gun Violence in America,” to be published Jan. 28 by Johns Hopkins Press.Licensed dealers, by the way, are required to perform background checks whether they are selling at their store or at a gun show. Only private individuals who are disposing of some of their own guns, i.e. not dealers, can sell at a show without performing a background check.
The offenders were incarcerated from (sic) crimes committed with handguns, and this is how they reported how they obtained the guns:
Licensed gun dealer: 11 percent
Friends or family: 39.5 percent
“The street:” 37.5 percent
Stolen gun: 9.9 percent
Gun show/Flea market: 1.7 percent
Labels: gun control, guns, politics, self-defense