Wednesday, January 16, 2008

North Shore, Oahu

We drove up to the North Shore last weekend and spent the day poking around. Here are a few pics.

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I'm pretty sure this little guy is a Wandering Tattler. He's really galloping up the beach:

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This ought to be self-explanatory:

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This one, too:

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Here's a Golden Plover fattening up for the big spring flight to Alaska:

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There was a mob of people on the beach, watching other people doing a North Shore kind of thing:

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We watched this Black Crowned Night Heron waiting for an unwary fish or shrimp at Fumi's Shrimp Wagon. The shrimp are worth waiting for, especially when slathered with garlic butter. I don't think this guy has much opportunity for that option, tho.

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A Poultry-American doing her thing:

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This is related to the Tannenbaum series published below. It's a big knot on a tree.

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That's all, folks.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Machine Gun Shoot

I had the distinct pleasure of attending the Dry Creek Machinegun Shoot north of Flagstaff in 2002 and the successor Northern Arizona Shoot in 2004, but here is some footage of the night shoot in 2003:

The young lady in the red headphones getting in some quality time with her big sister at 3:57 to 4:41 sent the link to this one, which unfortunately is not available for embedding, so clik on it.

This next gets interesting at 1:18: first a brief shot of a mini-gun rattling off at a rate of around 6000 rounds per minute, then some enthusiasts of bigger stuff:

My recollection is that the shooters at the last shoot I went to, 2004, went thru two and a half million rounds in three days and nights. And a couple hundred cases of dynamite for reactive targets. I have no idea how much ammo was used in the 37mm and 75mm howitzers. Less, tho. Anyway, it's a lot of fun for the whole family.

And then there is this one for all of you who like to combine real estate development with duck hunting:

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Monday, January 14, 2008

It's a good thing this didn't happen in...

Dubya's DC.

It has a creepy 911 call recording, but the right person survived.

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