Friday, June 15, 2018

“whiteness as a real and alarming force”

If there is anything making me question moving back to the Mainland it is the Democratic Party’s promotion of Black vs White racial obsession.

From the NYT Magazine:

“The Trump era, however, has compelled an unprecedented acknowledgment of whiteness as a real and alarming force.“

“Chief among our remarked-upon habits is our...affinity for individuality, a supposed indifference to race that often reads more like ignorance of it.”

Funny: I thought indifference to race was a laudable goal. Apparently we are supposed to obsess about race. All other racial groups do, so why shouldn’t we? It is good that POCs do, so why is it bad for us? (Notice that in using the terms ‘we’ and ‘us’ I am speaking here exactly as the Democratic Party wants me to speak: not as an individual who tries to evaluate individual people on the basis of their character, but as a white person. ‘We’ in the Democratic Party’s parlance is the opposite of an inclusive term. It is based on racial exclusion. It does not evaluate people individually but on the basis of their membership in a racial group. Because, as the writer suggest, ‘our’ affinity for individualism is apparently an alarming thing.

I think that is a bad thing, but apparently I’m the bad person until I get with the program and think of myself and all others in terms primarily racial.

“White people are losing the luxury of non-self-awareness, an emotionally complicated shift that we are not always taking well. “

Do tell. Demand that everyone obsess about race and guess what: white people will be racially obsessed just like the writer. That’s a bad thing. A really bad thing. Unless you’re a Democrat, in which case white racial obsession is a really good thing so long as the obsession includes the ‘understanding’ that white people by ‘our’ nature are terrible.

“A majority of white Americans currently believe that their own race is discriminated against. News accounts fill with white resentment and torch-lit white-power marches.”

Discriminate enough against any race and members of that race will see themselves as discriminated against on the basis of race, but putting “torch-lit white-power marches” in the next sentence is a cute way of painting newly ‘racially aware’ whites -apparently the Democratic Party goal- as Kluxers. Which is apparently also how the Democrats want to see ‘us’.

The Democratic Party appears to want not race blindness but a race war. Think of their succeeding. Really: think about the personal consequences of a White/Black race war, with some Asians tossed in to keep things interesting.

I have a low enough opinion of Republicans, but Democrats are evil people. Instead of trying to unite Americans they consciously work at dividing Americans into mutually hostile racial groups, and have succeeded.

‘Race awareness’ and ‘race pride’ are explicitly racist concepts. They aren’t confined to white racists, either. Encouraging racial obsessiveness leads only to conflict.

This is going in a truly lousy direction unless one’s goal is to tear America apart. Which, I think, is the real goal, because they think individualist, capitalist America must be destroyed, replaced with racially obsessed collectivism.

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