Saturday, May 30, 2009

So much for education in Pennsylvania...

...and for Professional Journalists.
WARREN, Pa. - A northwestern Pennsylvania newspaper is apologizing for running a classified advertisement calling for the assassination of President Barack Obama.

Warren Times Observer Publisher John Elchert says the ad appeared Thursday. It read, "May Obama follow in the steps of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley and Kennedy!" The four presidents were all assassinated.

That's a technical term.

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Friday, May 29, 2009

The Hoplophobes’ Travel Guide to the United States

Dave Kopel's The Hoplophobes’ Travel Guide to the United States is available here.

A response to the New York Times' readers' comments which in turn were responding to a debate about the new federal law bringing concealed carry restrictions in national parks into line with those of the host state, it takes a few paragraphs to warm up, but is amusing, unless you are a hoplophobe, of course.

The readers' comments are pretty sad, tho.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Escapee (?) sighted

While I was sitting in the side garden this morning I heard a very short, sharp whistle coming from the direction of the carport. Noted, but didn't do anything about it. A couple hours later I walked thru the carport, and what was sitting atop a great big cooler on the shelves but a lovely Rose-breasted Cockatoo (eolophus roseicapillus)

It let me get within three feet or so and continued preening, tho wouldn't hop onto my by now gloved hand for incarceration in a cat kennel. Eventually it flew into the hedge where it let me get a hand within a foot or so, but still no interest in a ride. A call to the Humane Society got a bit of a yawn- no one has reported said fellow missing. If I catch it they are willing to pick it up. It looked like it had a thin grey ring around it's left leg, but hardly big enuf for much in the way of numbers. Anyway, I shall keep an eye peeled and a few grapes about in case s/he comes by again.

Here's another pic of an apparently happy couple.


"You're the foreigners here..."

..said the Muslim to the Dutch- in Holland. Further:
Shocked in 2004 by the murder of director Theo Van Gogh by an Dutch Islamist, Chris decided to paint an angel on wall of his studio and the biblical commandment "Gij zult niet doden," thou shalt not kill. His neighbors at the mosque found the words "offensive," and called the mayor of Rotterdam at the time, the liberal Ivo Opstelten. The mayor ordered the police to erase the painting, because it was "racist." Wim Nottroth, a television journalist, camped out on the spot in protest. The police arrested him, and his film was destroyed. Ephimenco did the same in his own window: "I put up a big white sheet with the biblical commandment. Photographers came, and the radio. If you can no longer write 'do not kill' in this country, then you are saying that we are all in prison.
Better get used to being second class citizens in your "own" country. Giulio Meotti has the story in Catholic Online.

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