Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Satanic Fiend of the Ko'olaus

AKA Zack. Well, his eye. OK, part of his eye. His proper right eye. So relax already. It's dinky, but blow it up to screen size. I, being a primitive provincial, set it as desktop and get a nice screenful.
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Here's what I started with:
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tannenbaum II & III

OK, it's a series. As usual, clik on da pic for a bigger version.

Tannenbaum II:
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Tannenbaum III:
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And yes, I do know that "tannenbaum" actually means fir tree, while "Weihnachtsbaum" means Christmas tree. If you have a nit picky issue, pin yer manifesto to someone else's chest.
