Friday, May 16, 2008


I worked in the yard for most of the morning, but the vog- volcanic smog- finally got to me. I can barely see Pearl Harbor from here, and that is pretty bad. Apparently lots of people have been showing up at hospitals with breathing complaints. I don't want to be be among them, so am pooping out for now.

The birds of paradise are cleaned out- at least the ones at the bottom of the driveway- and the detritus buried in the compost heap. I whacked a thorny tree which planted itself too close to both the chimney and the path to the back yard, and trimmed some of the star jasmine from around one of the lehua haoles along the front hedge. Time for a shower and a run to Costco.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

President Obama and Sweetie?

Curious. I wonder how much play this will get.

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Anole lizard pic

These fellers have found the garden rocks to be pretty nice places to hang out.

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