Miss Universe, Canada, and statist Paradise
News.co.au has the story:
CANADIAN Miss Universe Natalie Glebova was forced to take off her official sash...when Toronto authorities invoked a law against sexual stereotyping.What ever happened to Valuing Diversity?
...city employees invoked a regulation against activities which degrade men and women through sexual stereotypes or exploit their bodies to attract attention.
Bowing to the local law, the 23 year old blue-eyed brunette was made to remove her Miss Universe sash...
"According to those conditions, a beauty contest cannot even be held in Toronto", (Miss Universe President Paula) Shugart said.
I think nothing happened to it, actually. I think the exhortation to Value Diversity was a lie from the word go. They don't value diversity, which would necessarily allow free expression by those they disagree with. They value conformity, and are willing...no, make that delighted, to use the violence of the state to enforce that conformity.
That's a shame, because diversity is a good thing, and it should be valued. These ppl just don't value it in the real world. They hate the real thing. It's too messy. Too tolerant. And if there is anything today's right-minded oppose, it is tolerance.
Thanks to Power Line for the lead.