Katrina Gun Confiscation
Labels: CDE, gun control, Treason, videos
Opinions on Politics, Art Stuff, Outrages current & otherwise, an occasional photograph, and of course Cool Space Pics of the Day. Formerly titled "Wudndux"
Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm— assaults, robberies and sex crimes— was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades...In other words, gun-related violence has collapsed while most people think it is going up.
Despite national attention to the issue of firearm violence, most Americans are unaware that gun crime is lower today than it was two decades ago. According to a new Pew Research Center survey, today 56% of Americans believe gun crime is higher than 20 years ago and only 12% think it is lower.
Labels: gun control, Media, politics, self-defense
I have seen the light. After all these years, I now agree that it’s fruitless to give the benefit of the doubt to people who are so obviously corrupt, so clearly malevolent, so bent on hurting innocent people for their own sick gain.As Aurora, CO, Aurora Sentinel editor Rick Perry's headline said "PERRY: WE CAN ONLY SAVE OURSELVES FROM KIDNAPPERS AT THE NRA
No more due process in the clear-cut case of insidious terrorism. When the facts are so clearly before all Americans, for the whole world to see, why bother with this country’s odious and cumbersome system of justice? Send the guilty monsters directly to Guantanamo Bay for all eternity and let them rot in their own mental squalor.
No, no, no. Not the wannabe sick kid who blew up the Boston marathon or the freak that’s mailing ricin-laced letters to the president. I’m talking about the real terrorist threat here in America: the National Rifle Association.
...craven, lying, sniveling, cowardly U.S. senators cheated the very premise of American government to back their masters at the NRA...Nobody wants the mentally ill having a gun. Nobody, that is, except many of your senators. They just don’t care....not only did the liars at the NRA cheat the 90 percent of Americans ...the NRA has forced the action of about 45 ineffectual U.S. senators, a clear act of terrorism and treason. ...Mr Perry has added a postscript which is remarkable for it's lack of insight. I replied just now:
Remarkable postscript, Mr. Perry. You wrote in your original column "No more due process...why bother with this country’s odious and cumbersome system of justice? Send the guilty monsters directly to Guantanamo Bay for all eternity and let them rot in their own mental squalor."You can read the whole sorry thing here.
Then you profess surprise when your intended victims of government criminality take offense. "I am bewildered by the number of people who are paranoid about the U.S. government coming to enslave them. " Mr Perry, you editorialized in favor of the government doing exactly that. So where is the paranoia?
Remember when you wrote: "...many people are convinced that if they were forced to pass background checks at a gun show, or if Congress outlawed a list of guns that act like military assault rifles, that goose steppers would be knocking at their doors demanding papers and their weapons."? Sir, you just called publicly for the government to do exactly that and a good deal more, and you call gun owners paranoid?
Mr. Perry, your lack of self-awareness is remarkable. And your propensity for violence against people who just want to be left alone is exactly why people worry about people like you. You are the reason gun owners won't disarm. You are the direct threat to peaceful people.
Yes, Mr Perry, you are the goose-stepper.
Labels: fascists, gun control, New Civility, politics, self-defense, Treason