"All governments must agree that the negative depiction of religion is "out of bounds"
So saithDr. Robert Friedman, "professor of political science at Baltimore Hebrew University, former acting president of the university, and former visiting professor at Princeton."
I guess it is hardly remarkable that relatively prominent academics are explicity opposed to freedom of speech. Volokh Conspiracy has the story.
Funny tho: I wonder how the Saudis would react to being told they can't depict Jews as monkeys and Christians as apes in their grade school books. Maybe those aren't negative depictions, just facts?
I guess it is hardly remarkable that relatively prominent academics are explicity opposed to freedom of speech. Volokh Conspiracy has the story.
Funny tho: I wonder how the Saudis would react to being told they can't depict Jews as monkeys and Christians as apes in their grade school books. Maybe those aren't negative depictions, just facts?