"Love" a la NPR
Acute despair deficiency syndrome.Quite right, of course.
Labels: Fun Stuff
Opinions on Politics, Art Stuff, Outrages current & otherwise, an occasional photograph, and of course Cool Space Pics of the Day. Formerly titled "Wudndux"
Acute despair deficiency syndrome.Quite right, of course.
Labels: Fun Stuff
When you fascist tools do something more than call people names let me know.Another commenter, identified as "Richard Ramey" made this charming contribution:
God willing every gun nut will shoot themselves in the head cleaning their gunsI guess it's an example of the New Civility the Democrats once snarled in favor of.
Labels: A Pack Not a Herd, CDIW, fascists, free speech, gun control, New Civility, self-defense, socialists
Labels: free speech, Fun Stuff
In fact, the great majority of those in the individual-insurance market — about two-thirds of them — will lose their policies, according to estimates from the president’s own Department of Health and Human Services. They add up to some 15 million people. Of the much larger group of Americans who are insured through employer-based plans, between half and two-thirds will lose their coverage because of the new health-care law. In all, the number of Americans who will lose their plans is estimated to hit tens of millions. There simply is no way to square these facts with the promise of “If you like your insurance, you can keep it.” These estimates were listed on page 34,552 of the Federal Register; perhaps they were overlooked.Beware President Stompy Foot: The face he stomps is yours.
Labels: CDIW, Economy, fascists, socialists
On one side, members of the economic team and Obama health-care adviser Zeke Emanuel lobbied for the president to appoint an outside health reform “czar” with expertise in business, insurance and technology. On the other, the president’s top health aides — who had shepherded the legislation through its tortuous path on Capitol Hill and knew its every detail — argued that they could handle the job.So:
“They were running the biggest start-up in the world, and they didn’t have anyone who had run a start-up, or even run a business"...there was no single administrator whose full-time job was to manage the project.That last is truly stunning. The Washington Post must be kidding, right? A part-timer to set up the ObamaCare website?