The Democratic Party is Out of the Closet on Fascism
People seem to be waking up the fascist mindset of the most senior Democratic Party officials. The Dems are making it really, really hard to miss. "Disagree with my views on gay marriage? I will deny you licenses to do business, and tell NYU to drive their franchisee off campus. Out of Boston. Out of San Francisco. And New York City."
It's the New Tolerance.
As Bob Owens says:
Of course, fascists also want a disarmed populace so they can impose their dictates, so it should be no surprise that Massachussetts, New York, Illinois, and California have some of the most draconian victim disarmament laws in America.
Fascists: the whole lot of them.
UPDATE: For more background on various senior Democratic Party politicians' statements to deny Chik-fil-A business licenses to punish protected speech, see here and here.
For a newspaper editorial remarkable only for it's utterly ignoring the core issue here -blatantly unconstitutional retaliation against protected speech- see the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which had this to say:
Do the editors at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ever read the news?
It's the New Tolerance.
As Bob Owens says:
The massive crowd reaction locally and nationwide are driven by a loathing of arrogant politicians like those in Boston, New York, Chicago and San Francisco who feel they have the power and the authority to tell a businessman like Dan Cathy what personal opinions he can and cannot hold if he wants to do business in “their” towns.When you get right down to basics, the Democratic Party despises the Constitution: They despise the 1st Amendment. That so many senior Democrats are doubling down on flagrant violations of the Constitution three months before national elections is a bit breathtaking. And should be scary enough to get many more to the polls.
They trampled on his religious beliefs. They trampled on his freedom of speech. They attempted to deny him and his franchisees the rights to start small businesses, merely because a free American dared to share what he believed.
Of course, fascists also want a disarmed populace so they can impose their dictates, so it should be no surprise that Massachussetts, New York, Illinois, and California have some of the most draconian victim disarmament laws in America.
Fascists: the whole lot of them.
UPDATE: For more background on various senior Democratic Party politicians' statements to deny Chik-fil-A business licenses to punish protected speech, see here and here.
For a newspaper editorial remarkable only for it's utterly ignoring the core issue here -blatantly unconstitutional retaliation against protected speech- see the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, which had this to say:
...the flap over (Chick-fil-A President Dan)Cathy's comments demonstrates one of the many things that make living in a free democracy such as ours so enticing for those who live under regimes where dissent such as this is impossible.What part of denying a company permits to do business squares with that?
Do the editors at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ever read the news?
Labels: CDE, fascists, free speech, politics