Saturday, August 06, 2005

A particularly fine obituary

We should all merit such:

Patrick Pakenham, who has died aged 68, was a talented barrister and the second son of the 7th Earl and Countess of Longford...

During his legal career, Pakenham became something of a legend, and, 25 years on, accounts of his exploits are still current. During his appearance before an irascible and unpopular judge in a drugs case, the evidence, a bag of cannabis, was produced. The judge, considering himself an expert on the subject, said to Pakenham, with whom he had clashed during the case: "Come on, hand the exhibit up to me quickly." Then he proceeded to open the package. Inserting the contents in his mouth, he chewed it and announced: "Yes, yes of course that is cannabis. Where was the substance found, Mr Pakenham?" The reply came swiftly, if inaccurately: "In the defendant's anus, my Lord."

Pakenham's final appearance in court has been variously recorded. As defence counsel in a complicated fraud case, he was due to address the court during the afternoon session, and had partaken of a particularly well-oiled lunch.

"Members of the jury," he began, "it is my duty as defence counsel to explain the facts of this case on my client's behalf; the Judge will guide you and advise you on the correct interpretation of the law and you will then consider your verdict. Unfortunately," Pakenham went on, "for reasons which I won't go into now, my grasp of the facts is not as it might be. The judge is nearing senility; his knowledge of the law is pathetically out of date, and will be of no use in assisting you to reach a verdict. While by the look of you, the possibility of you reaching a coherent verdict can be excluded."

I like to think we still have time to achieve such levels of public eloquence.

For the whole thing: Click here: Telegraph News Patrick Pakenham

UPDATE: 15 March 2013: The link above seems to have succumbed to link rot. Try here.

Thanks to The Volokh Conspiracy

Victor Davis Hanson comments on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The truth, as we are reminded so often in this present conflict, is that usually in war there are no good alternatives, and leaders must select between a very bad and even worse choice. Hiroshima was the most awful option imaginable, but the other scenarios would have probably turned out even worse.
Click here: Victor Davis Hanson on Hiroshima on National Review Online

Maxine Waters doesn't like the Kelo decision

Nor should she. Nor should anyone else except developer-thugs.

There is a growing reaction around the country which I think is a healthy response to a lousy decision by the Supreme Court: the Court held that governments may use eminent domain to seize property for private developers, if doing so will increase tax revenues. Increasing tax revenues serves as a "public purpose" so far as the current court is concerned. King George would have approved.

Rich Lowry reports on Waters' response.

Pigs at the trough

Oh, excuse me, make that " the regional cultural district."

Every so-called cultural institution in southeastern Wisconsin smells free money from people who don't use those institutions. Even the cultural institutions called "golf courses."

Apparently none of them understand that free money is bad for them. Like other forms of welfare it releases them from the consequences of bad behavior. Result: More bad behavior. Free money debilitates, and the catastrophe at the Milwaukee Public Museum seems to be a catalyst for coercion of the taxpayers of five counties. Make that six counties. that seven counties.
The Housing Trust Fund Coalition, an alliance of community groups, called Tuesday for "a regional authority that can support arts, cultural groups, public parks and affordable housing needs throughout the region."
Yep: Housing is a cultural district issue.
Paul Mathews, president of the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts...said figuring out how to fund cultural institutions is paramount and authorities shouldn't spend too much time debating a cultural district's structure. He backed a 2003 task force's call for a half-cent sales tax for recreation and culture.
He would.
Greater Milwaukee Committee President Julia Taylor...did not rule out the possibility that sports teams also could be part of the cultural effort.
Well, then, I think all the pistol leagues should get regional tax support, and the taxpayers who object can sell their houses and move elsewhere if they must. Taxpayers should also support the paint-ball teams. Whether they want to or not. Actually, especially if not: if they wanted to we wouldn't have to tax them, would we?
Local golfing experts said they could see some advantages in a regional approach...
I bet they can.

Pigs everywhere, and I bet half of them are Republicans.

Larry Sandler had the story in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Noriko Takiguchi: Sushi Lesson Number 5

This may be surprising, but you should dip the fish side, not the rice, into the soy sauce...
When you touch the soy sauce with sushi, it has to be quick, almost like a fish jumping up from between the waves.
The whole series is here.

Thanks to Instapundit for the tip.

Monday, August 01, 2005

I vote for "Philbert"

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Hunting Dogs = Canes Venatici